Eno sonce zahaja …
Sončna hiša je skupaj z vami, dragi gostje, prepotovala dolgo pot: od svojega vzhoda do zahoda. 31. oktobra 2022 je Sončna hiša namreč zaprla svoja vrata. Hvala vsem, ki ste našemu soncu zaupali svoja jutra, dneve in večere. Bilo je čudovito in nepozabno prav zaradi vas.
… drugo sonce vzhaja
Morda na istem naslovu, morda kod drugod. Morda v taki ali drugačni obliki. Pustimo se presenetiti novemu jutru, ko bomo skupaj z novim soncem odrinili novim pustolovščinam naproti.
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One sun is setting ...
Together with you, dear guests, Sun house has traveled a long way: from it's sunrise to it's sunset. Sun House closed it's doors on October 31, 2022. A big thank you to everyone who trusted our sun with their mornings, days and evenings. It was wonderful and unforgettable because of you.
… another sun is rising
Maybe at the same address, maybe somewhere else. Perhaps in one form or another. Let's allow ourselves to be surprised by the new morning, when together with the new sun we will rush towards even bigger adventures.
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© 2022 by Sončna hiša™, design boutique hotel